The Veriest team was privileged to support the GSA WLI Pathways event in Nis, Serbia that took place this week.
Big thank you to Jodi Shelton, CEO of the Gobal Semiconductor Alliance for her interest and support to the Serbian semiconductors ecosystem on different levels: from making this memorable event to happen, all the way to reading our stories and leaving personalized comments. We thank you for your efforts and your kindest impact on all of us!
Thanks to the whole GSA Women’s Leadership Initiative team. We’re looking forward to working with you in the future much more so.
Honeyrock Ingram we missed you there! 😊
Congratulations to the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Professor Miona Andrejevic Stosovic, the Head of Electronics Department, for hosting this event. Great work!
We also enjoyed to team up with Vtool – Smart Verification, Chipglobe, AViSTO and Tamara Popovic from ETH Zurich. It would be our pleasure to continue our collaboration to the advance the local ecosystem.
Last but not least, we’d like to express our appreciation for Marija Radovanovic, our Design Group Lead who represented us on the panel.
It’s an honor to be part of the same team and have someone like you to look up to every day!
The biggest benefit is having the opportunity to meet and talk with hundreds of students and to convey to them that numerous challenging and interesting opportunities that await them in this vibrant industry!